Do I Really Have to Read?
I don’t have time to read…I mean, really does it matter? I can’t tell you how many times I hear people say those words. Let me start by saying, yes. There is no sugarcoating it …
You must read if you want to improve or have your life move in a fresh direction. I am not talking about reading the latest thriller. Those are fun! Don’t get me wrong, but those are what I consider “brain candy”. They taste great, but are not going to build your spiritual health.
When you were in high school, or college wasn’t it just expected that you had to study and read to pass the classes? I know that many of those classes may not seem relevant to you now. (I can honestly say I haven’t used much calculus in the field I am currently working…Sorry Mr. Gephardt!)
I put in hours of time though working through those problems and studying and reading in order to get the grade. Why? For a letter grade. Now as I am in my adult years, I am shocked at how few of my friends and colleagues actually have read a book in the past several years. There is so much on the line!
If I want a strong marriage, hoping it will be great is NOT enough! I need to study books and work with people who have results that are consistent with the results I want. If I don’t, I cannot be upset or surprised when I start to drift down the common path with the masses. News flash!!! The masses are struggling in their marriages, struggling with finances, struggling with their faith
walk, struggling with raising their kids, struggling to manage their time, and just about every other area as well. We need to study good information like it matters…because it does!
I know what you are thinking… I have no time to read a book! I barely have time to brush my teeth in a day let alone sit down to read a book. Believe me, I understand. It is challenging to start a new habit. With each new habit, an old one must die. If time is your obstacle, start with a time management book. Look for windows of time to read the book and know that even if you can only carve out 10 minutes a day at first, that is 10 minutes more than you were doing before. That will grow over time and you will see results eventually! Just stay consistent.
I just don’t know where to begin…
This is where I may be able to assist. I have been working on reading and researching great resources for the past several years. My goal right now is not to overwhelm you, but to give you a foundation to start your journey. I will be posting my monthly reading goals and at the end of each month, I will write a quick summary of the books I have read so as to help you know which ones may be relevant to your journey RIGHT NOW. I am always open to suggestions. The picture on this blog is the 5 book rotation I am currently working through. Ask questions and I will do my very best to help you as you begin your reading journey.
Want to Become a Reading Warrior? More in the video:
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