Shocking Truth
Affairs happen all too often in marriages today. The pain and turmoil that infidelity can inflict upon a relationship is often too much for some to endure.
In fact, according to “Extra-marital affairs are responsible for the breakdown of most marriages that end in divorce.”
We here at Wedlock Warriors understand this fact right down to our core. It is the main reason we founded this ministry in the first place! You can read our story here: Click!
Although we could get into the many crazy reasons how adultery wedges itself into marriages today, the important thing to understand is that it can rear its ugly head.
Listen, don’t take this lightly. Some of you out there might be reading this post thinking “No-way! Never in my marriage…” and for the most part that might be true. However, to think that adultery could NEVER enter into your marriage is being a bit naive.
Statistics prove that attitude to be wrong. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at these numbers: Click!
It’s vitally important that we as married couples guard our marriages against the chance of adultery ever occurring.
Bullet Proof Your Marriage
We teach in our class (week 3 Open the Lines) the two ways by which we communicate to our spouse, active and passive. Active communication takes place face to face. It’s how we actually talk to each other in our day to day lives.
Passive communication is how we talk about our spouse to other people, whether they are present or not. This is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to affair prevention.
What you communicate about your spouse to the world around you can either insulate your marriage from any chance of unfaithfulness or it can invite it.
First, from the practical standpoint, if all you ever say about your spouse to the outside world (other people) is positive and uplifting, the chance of someone trying to interject themselves in between you and your spouse is greatly reduced.
Think about it…how would that window ever open?
Secondly, from a spiritual perspective, we as Christians need to heed God’s word when it comes to taming our tongues: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29
Finally, adopting this attitude helps if your marriage is currently “on the rocks” or going through a tough season. Imagine the power your words would have if and when they get back to your spouse. It’s one thing for our spouse to hear from us something uplifting about themselves, its entirely a different (much more powerful) thing when they hear about us speaking great things about them to other people.
We know of several couples who have experienced this phenomena and can personally attest to the impact it has made in our own marriage.
There nothing sweeter to the ear than hearing from someone outside of the marriage tell you that your spouse thinks you are amazing.
Do not underestimate the power of your words…
Listen, affairs rip marriages apart at the seams. Trust is destroyed, hope for the future is forgotten and turmoil takes over your day to day life. This is something that cannot be discounted even for those whose marriages are doing great.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
#1 Affair Prevention Tip
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PS: Is your marriage in crisis? It’s not to late, download the FREE report “The 5 Immediate Steps You Need To Start Rebuilding Your Marriage Today”
What advice do you have for persons who work out of town for long periods?
Not really sure what you are asking here… the lesson from the article still applies regardless of distance or time periods apart. In fact, I would venture to say it’s even more important.
How did you stay together and how did the pain start to leave. How did the love return? I have been in church all my life and in ministry all my adult life. My wife allowed herself to get spiritually low and wouldn’t listen to me or anyone else because she found another man that was more for her. Now on the other side I don’t know how to move forward and find that love again. The betrayal and understanding if she truly loved me how did this happen.
Doug, There are no easy answers to all the questions you have. In fact, we can’t even attempt to answer all of them in this short post. However, I think you would definitely benefit from our weekly class we offer, and also I would encourage you to stay tuned because we will be releasing a video series dealing specifically with “How to recover/survive infidelity in a marriage”. With that being said, make sure you are subscribed to the blog so you will get notified when that series comes out. Until then keep your eye fixed on Jesus. God bless.